Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week 4 - Yay!

Okay, did the RSS thing, way cool! Although I feel as if I'm like one of my favorite birds (black skimmers) zipping over the techno landscape, it is thrilling. And addictive. And fun. Yippee!

Ah, week 3, one week late. Flickr is pretty darn cool! I can see how I could spend a LOT of time there. But let's see if I can put in my little bit of work here.

Well, I added an image, alas, not the one I was trying for. Let's have another go.

Well this is closer, but still not the right one. Guess my learning curve here is still a bit steep. Keep on truckin' (you kids won't remember this old line...) Ciao!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Well, so far, so good, just under the wire on keeping up each week. Week 1, introduced myself to 23 things, pretty darn painless:) Thing 2, learning habits, easy. Viewing problems as challenges comes easily to me (though elderly parents might put the lie to that concept!) and duh! Using technology to my advantage is hardest for me. But my Pollyanna side is sure 23 things will help with that!

Now, off to the wonderful world of blogging, with more to come. I almost feel like I'm no longer sooo last millenium!